Well, its done been decided. Instead of running off to yet another hip, happening locale with the hopes that it will provide us with utter happiness via constantly replenished consumer cornucopias, Ryan and I decided late last night that Memphis, TN--place of my birth, youth and grad school years--will be our next home come Summer 2008 (quite possibly the worst time to try to wrangle friends into helping you unload a Uhaul in that city).
Flawda just hasn't been "it" for us. I feel sad in admitting it as we have only been here 9 months, but it has just felt bizarre to me and well, painful for Ryan. I am glad to have met the great people we have met and to have had the beach 15 minutes from my home, but the other things just aren't catching our fancy.
Memphis has its own issues, but I don't feel like getting into it now as Ryan says I am being too contrarian and warning too much about the bad and not enjoying what is going to be really great about living there again. So, if anyone is reading this, remind me to stay nice and keep my head about me...and go to the beach as much as possible in the next 8 months!